PC KING - Protecting Businesses for over 25 years
Our Mission Statement is to :

"Provide Clients with a reliable fully managed IT system, by acting as a Trusted Partner, and delivering exceptional support, while at the same time protecting their critical data, so they can focus on their core business".

Peace-of-Mind Computing
(+649) 6305002 . 0800PCKING


Talk to us : about our main listed solutions below, or any other IT needs you have

We are confident : we will make a positive difference to your life and to your business

  1. Security (SECaaS)
    Want improved protection from viruses, spyware and identity thieves? Worried about losing confidential personal information or important business files? Businesses have become easy targets for hackers and ransomware hijackers. Why take a risk and lose thousands of dollars to these overseas criminals?
  2. Data Backup (BaaS)
    Need an easier and better way to backup your critical data files? Want peace-of-mind, knowing your important files, documents, data, photos, and emails are safely and securely stored? You can easily replace a computer, but not its files. Don't be one of the 67%, who do not backup their data files correctly
  3. IT Support (ITSaaS)
    Need peace-of-mind computer support ? Need someone to take care of all your IT needs (so you can spend more time focusing on your own business)? And do you want honest, reliable and efficient IT support ?
  4. Telephones (VoIPaaS)
    Want a new telephone system that can save you money? And is simple to use, is flexible, full of great features, and can be easily changed or moved around? And pay for it, from the potential savings you can make by changing from your current phone system.
  5. Cloud Computing (CCaaS)
    Need solutions and services that leverage the internet and 'Cloud"? Emails, Printing, Telephones, Accounting, Data Backups - all this and more can now be done via the internet. And with a very low price entry point, but with a high return-on-investment.
  6. Disaster Recovery (DRaaS)
    Disasters do happen! Sometimes castasrophic, like the earthquakes in Christchurch. Or smaller but also painful ones, like computer failures or files being damaged. Why take a risk - protect your most important digital assets. Get Peace-of-Mind.
PC KING - Peace-of-Mind